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How to take Online Tests

Please follow these steps.
  1. Login to the portal using your username and password.
  2. After login, from the Top Menu, select Classroom -> Online Tests.
  3. The above will list all the published tests for you / your ward.
  4. Click on a given test which will start that test.
  5. The student can then select her/his choice of answers and then complete the test.
  6. A test may have one or attempts allowed(as per the setting done by the the test publisher), which the student can take to improve upon her/his previous attempt(s).
  7. A test may be time bound (as per the setting done by the the test publisher). If the test is time bound, you will see the time duration left on the top right corner.
  8. After taking both the attempts, the results can be viewed by clicking on the 'Result' icon on the right end side along with each test.
  9. In the 'Results' page, the 'Attempts Taken' will be listed. On clicking on a given attempt, the result summary will be displayed.
  10. On clicking on each Question, details about that question will be displayed.

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