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How to Publish Online Tests

Please follow these steps.
  1. Login to the portal using your username and password.
  2. After login, from the Top Menu, select Classroom -> Create Online Tests.
  3. In the listed page, Click on 'Create & Share' on the Menu.
  4. In the 'Create & Share' Page, add a category under which you want to add a test, if its not already added. Categories are meant for better organizing the test.  
  5. In the 'Create & Share' Page, click on 'Add a Test' button. This will open a dialog box.
  6. In the Dialog box,
  7. Mention the Name of the Test.
  8. (Optional) Download the sample Questions Template. This will download a file. In the downloaded file you can enter the Questions, Options, Correct Answer and Solution. Once all the questions are entered in the file, save the file and come back to 'Add a Test' dialog box. Upload the saved file by choosing file under  'Upload Template:'.
  9. Enter the 'No. of Attempts(in Number)', which the students can take for this test.
  10. Enter the 'Test Duration(in Minutes)'.
  11. In the Solution option, choose as per how you want the solutions to be displayed after the student completes this test.
  12. In the 'Add to category', choose a category for this test.
  13. There is a chechbox to choose if you want the students to see all the questions in one page or the student will see one question at a time.
  14. Then click 'Save'.
  15. The above test will be added and will be listed in the table.
  16. On clicking on the icon for 'List Questions' you can edit the already added questions or add new ones.
  17. For a question, images can also be added to the question, options & solution. Images can be dragged from your computer and dropped in to the marked area.
  18. Once editing of the test is complete, select the test by clicking on the check box on the left side, and click on 'Publish' button.
  19. This will list the various options to which you may want to publish this test. You can choose multiple classes, groups, staff or others.
  20. Published tests will be listed in the 'Published' page from where you can un-publish the tests or 'Set Publish Duration' during which the tests will be visible to the students.
  21. In the 'Dashboard' menu, you can monitor in terms of how many students have taken a particular test.

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